
Lokalise for Sketch

Preview designs in different languages and receive valuable feedback from translators early in the process.

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Start translating at the design stage

Bring design teams closer to localization and deliver multilingual assets faster, better, and smarter.

  • Sketch_Ensuring_quality
    Ensure quality
  • Sketch_Improve_workflows
    Improve workflows
  • Sketch_Lower_costs
    Lower costs
  • Sketch_Release_faster
    Release faster

Design plays an important role in localization

  • 1

    Share context with your linguists

    Improve translation quality by automatically sharing screenshots with copywriters and translators to help them understand the context.

    Design plays an important role in localization
  • 2

    Prevent design fails

    Check whether the design functions properly across all target languages. Spot and fix errors instantly.

    Design plays an important role in localization
  • 3

    Establish more efficient workflows

    Finalize your localized design before a single line of code is written and save your dev team a costly round of bug fixing.

    Design plays an important role in localization
  • 4

    Get early feedback about each market

    Get translator feedback earlier in the process and create meaningful visual experiences for different locales.

    Design plays an important role in localization
Design plays an important role in localization
Design plays an important role in localization
Design plays an important role in localization
Design plays an important role in localization

How the Lokalise Sketch plugin works

  • Connect your tool with Lokalise using the integration

    Sketch with Lokalise

  • Push language files from your repository to Lokalise using the integration

    strings (with screenshots) to the Lokalise project

  • Translate strings using the Lokalise integration

    all the new or updated strings

  • Pull translated strings to your repository using the Lokalise integration

    translated content back to Sketch and preview the design in all languages

See Lokalise + Sketch in action

Get a live customized demo and let us show you how the Lokalise + Sketch integration can improve your localization workflow.