
Discover what’s new at Lokalise with our latest product releases – empowering your localization journey one update at a time

March 07, 2025

Manual Workflow Runs

🌟 What’s new?

We’ve introduced a “Run Workflow” option for Live Workflows, giving users more control over execution.

  • Manual Workflow Runs: Users can now manually trigger workflow runs at any time, with a 15-minute cooldown to prevent system overload. A visual timer will indicate when the next run is available.
  • Smart Reference System: Manual runs reference the last scheduled or manual run to check for scope changes. All manually triggered runs are logged for debugging and status reporting.

🎯 Why it matters to you?

This update eliminates the wait for scheduled workflows, allowing users to run workflows on demand, validate changes, troubleshoot faster, and respond quickly to business needs.

February 28, 2025

Source Language Review Now Available for Workflow Users

🌟 What’s new?

We’ve introduced a new Source Review step in our Workflows system. When creating workflow review tasks, users now have the option to include the source language in addition to their target translation languages.

🎯 Why it matters to you?

This highly-requested feature enhances the flexibility of the Workflows system, allowing customers to handle a broader range of use cases. It improves the overall workflow experience and sets the stage for more dynamic templates and future workflow enhancements.

February 25, 2025

Contentuful Native Integration Fixes

🌟 What’s new?

We’ve made important fixes to the Contentful Native integration:

  1. Alias support: Previously, customers using aliases had to reinstall the integration every time they created a backup or switched environments. Now, once the app is reinstalled into an alias, customers won’t need to reinstall it again when changing the target environment.
  2. Import/Export improvements: We’ve resolved issues where links, percentage ranges, placeholders, and other content would break on import/export. Now, content is exchanged seamlessly, and customers no longer have to worry about fixing broken links or formatting.

🎯 Why it matters to you?

These fixes ensure a smoother, more reliable experience with Contentful Native integration. Customers no longer need to manually recheck or repair their content during import/export or when switching environments, saving time and reducing errors.

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