
Laravel localization and translation

Automate the localization process of your Laravel application and release faster with fewer bugs.

Try all features for 14 days · No credit card required

The preferred localization tool of 3000+ companies

  • Mastercard_logo
  • Starbucks_logo
  • Vizio_logotype
  • Revolut logo — finance page
  • Hyandai_logo
  • Withings_logo

Developer-centric tools to speed up your Laravel app localization

Eliminate manual work

Save hours with our robust API, CLI, Webhooks, mobile SDKs, and integrations with GitHub, Bitbucket, GitLab, Azure Repos, Jira, and more.

Start now

Powerful localization features

Easily find and link duplicates or merge multi-platform keys. Leverage built-in support for plural forms for all languages, configure custom language codes, and more.

Start now

Provide context to improve quality

Share context with your translators in the form of links, comments, and screenshots. Lokalise will recognize the text on the uploaded images and link it with the existing keys. Moreover, translators can use our in-context editors for instant previews directly in your Laravel app.

Start now

Upload translation files in your preferred format, including JSON

  • .strings
  • .xml
  • .stringsdict
  • .csv
  • .xls
  • .xlsx
  • .po
  • .pot
  • .properties
  • .js
  • .json
  • .resx
  • .plist
  • .php
  • .ini
  • .ts
  • .stf
  • .xliff
  • .doc
  • .docx
  • .html
  • .arb
  • .srt
  • .yml
  • .xlf
  • .pptx
  • .idml
  • .xcloc
  • .strings
  • .xml
  • .stringsdict
  • .csv
  • .xls
  • .xlsx
  • .po
  • .pot
  • .properties
  • .js
  • .json
  • .resx
  • .plist
  • .php
  • .ini
  • .ts
  • .stf
  • .xliff
  • .doc
  • .docx
  • .html
  • .arb
  • .srt
  • .yml
  • .xlf
  • .pptx
  • .idml
  • .xcloc
  • .strings
  • .xml
  • .stringsdict
  • .csv
  • .xls
  • .xlsx
  • .po
  • .pot
  • .properties
  • .js
  • .json
  • .resx
  • .plist
  • .php
  • .ini
  • .ts
  • .stf
  • .xliff
  • .doc
  • .docx
  • .html
  • .arb
  • .srt
  • .yml
  • .xlf
  • .pptx
  • .idml
  • .xcloc
  • .strings
  • .xml
  • .stringsdict
  • .csv
  • .xls
  • .xlsx
  • .po
  • .pot
  • .properties
  • .js
  • .json
  • .resx
  • .plist
  • .php
  • .ini
  • .ts
  • .stf
  • .xliff
  • .doc
  • .docx
  • .html
  • .arb
  • .srt
  • .yml
  • .xlf
  • .pptx
  • .idml
  • .xcloc

Speed up your app localization

  • SignUp

    a free trial for 14 days. No credit card required.

  • An illustration that represents triggering the upload from Lokalise to a cloud file storage bucket using the integration

    your files using our CLI, API, or code repository integrations.

  • An illustration representing inviting your team to work on Lokalise

    teammates and get your translations done.

  • Pull translated strings to your repository using the Lokalise integration
    Pull and release

    the translated Laravel application in no time.

Eliminate the hassle of localization for you and your team

Allow managers to structure the translation process. Get designers to review the design early on using the Adobe XD, Figma, and Sketch plugins. Provide translators with numerous CAT features, such as translation memory, glossaries, spell checkers, hot keys, and more.

The collaborative translation platform provided by Lokalise Lokalise_editor_dark_mode

Lokalise helped us streamline our localization process. Everything from collaborating with external translators to updating translated strings in all of our apps is now as easy as it can be.

Luca Meschiari, CTO

Learn more about Laravel localization

Start your 14-day free trial and see how easy it is to manage every aspect of your localization process or book a demo and let us share the best practices with you.

  • Lokalise_Laravel@2x

    Laravel localization: A step-by-step guide

    Learn how to perform Laravel localization, work with translation strings, datetime and numerical representations, and switch between locales.

  • Android_API

    Lokalise API: What is it and how do you use it?

    Learn how to use the Lokalise API to define custom workflows and create automation scripts with ease.

  • PHP localization

    Implementing PHP localization: A complete guide

    In this tutorial learn how to properly implement PHP l10n.


Laravel localization: A step-by-step guide

Learn how to perform Laravel localization, work with translation strings, datetime and numerical representations, and switch between locales.


Lokalise API: What is it and how do you use it?

Learn how to use the Lokalise API to define custom workflows and create automation scripts with ease.

PHP localization

Implementing PHP localization: A complete guide

In this tutorial learn how to properly implement PHP l10n.

Get started today

Start your 14-day free trial and see how easy it is to manage every aspect of your localization process or book a demo and let us share the best practices with you.