ASP.NET Core localization and translation

ASP.NET Core localization and translation with examples

As ASP.NET Core web developers, what are our main concerns when developing our catchy web applications? UI/UX, performance, scalability, etc. would come to mind, but would the squeaky clean sites we spent sleepless hours crafting matter if our sites look like just random sets of symbols to our site viewers? Hence surfaces the much-needed requirement of localization.

ASP.NET opened its hands beyond Microsoft Windows as a cross-platform web framework starting from ASP.NET Core. But instead of stopping there, Microsoft chose to provide a diverse list of localization and internationalization functions to help our ASP.NET Core applications reach broader ranges of locales and cultures. Let’s put them to use, shall we? So, in this article, let us take a look at how l10n/i18n works on the ASP.NET Core framework.

We will cover the following topics in this tutorial:

  • ASP.NET Core i18n/l10n (internationalization/localization).
  • Step-by-step guide on basic ASP.NET Core MVC Web application.
  • Adding language resources and conventions followed.
  • Localizing with the help of ResourceManager.
  • Automatically change app culture using UseRequestLocalization middleware.
  • Localize controllers using IStringLocalizer, IHtmlLocalizer, and views using IViewLocalizer.
  • Identify user’s culture using IRequestCultureProvider implementations.
  • Date and time format localization.
  • Usage of placeholders.


    Basic knowledge of:

    • Microsoft ASP.NET
    • C#
    • MVC


    Local environment set up with:

    • ASP.NET Core 3.1+ (latest LTS release at the time of writing)
    • Visual Studio 2019 IDE
    • Any API Client (e.g.: Postman)


    I will be using the following environment for my development purposes:

    • Visual Studio Community 2019 16.9.1
    • .NET Framework 4.8.04084
    • Postman 8.0.7

    The source code is available on GitHub.

    Basic ASP.NET Core project awaiting localization

    Before anything else, let’s go ahead and set up a simple ASP.NET Core project which we can later transform into an internationalized web application.

    Let’s open up Visual Studio and create an empty project with the following configuration:

    Template:         ASP.NET Core Empty
    Name:             ASPNETCoreL10n
    Target Framework: .NET Core 3.1

    Note: Let’s tick the “Place solution and project in the same directory” option since we are not planning to join multiple solutions within this project.

    MVC paradigm

    Time to make our ASPNETCoreL10n project follow the MVC design model.

    Firstly, let’s open up the Startup.cs and place the following inside its ConfigureServices method:

    services.AddControllersWithViews();  //1
    services.AddRazorPages();            //2
    1. Adds services related to MVC controllers and views to the Dependency Injection container of the project.
    2. Adds services related to Razor pages to the Dependency Injection container.

    Secondly, let’s add the MVC middleware to the application request processing pipeline.

    Let’s head over to the Configure method within the Startup.cs class. Now, let us replace the current endpoints.MapGet endpoint inside the app.UseEndpoints middleware as follows:

    public void Configure(IApplicationBuilder app, IWebHostEnvironment env)
        app.UseRouting();  //1
        app.UseEndpoints(endpoints =>
            endpoints.MapControllerRoute(  //2
                name: "default",
                pattern: "{controller=home}/{action=index}/{id?}");
    1. Add EndpointRoutingApplicationBuilderExtensions.UseRouting middleware that performs request-to-endpoint route matching.
    2. Use ControllerEndpointRouteBuilderExtensions.MapControllerRoute middleware to add a Controller endpoint route. This middleware specifies a route named “default” that looks for an “Index” action within a Controller that has a basename of “home”.

    Important Note: Make sure to always put MapControllerRoute middleware after UseRouting middleware in the request processing pipeline. This is so that UseRouting would have already matched the request to an endpoint by the time the execution call reaches the MapControllerRoute.

    At the moment, if we run our application it would simply give us a ‘Page Not Found (404)’ error.

    Therefore, let’s add a simple controller to our project to match with what our “default” MapControllerRoute is looking for:

    1. Create a Controllers directory within the root of the ASPNETCoreL10n project.
    2. Add an empty MVC Controller named HomeController.cs within it.

    Visual Studio now creates a HomeController class with an auto-generated Index action method inside it. Alright! Our “default” MapControllerRoute is happy now that it’s got a controller endpoint to match with. But now our HomeController is complaining it’s got no view to return. Let’s fix it, shall we?

    We’re going to add a Razor view page to our project. Create a Views directory within the root of our ASPNETCoreL10n project and also a Home directory inside it. Now, let’s add a new empty Razor view Index.cshtml inside the Home folder and fill it like this:

    <html xmlns="">
        <p>Ready to get localized!</p>

    Little note on view discovery

    You might have wondered…

    What’s with all the new directories inside new directories when creating a simple view? Can’t I just place the view anywhere I want?

    This requirement simply boils down to a process called View Discovery performed by ASP.NET Core. By default, this View Discovery procedure looks in the Views/[ControllerName] folder for a particular view.


    That’s all for making our basic ASP.NET Core project. Let’s run the app and we’ll be able to observe a browser page open showing the paragraph we added to our Index.cshtml view. This marks that our ASPNETCoreL10n project successfully matched our “default” MapControllerRoute with the Index action inside HomeController, and the Index action discovered an Index.cshtml view within Views/Home folder and returned it.

    Add some resources

    Before touching on localization logic, let’s prepare the ground and add several language resources into our ASP.NET Core project.

    In ASP.NET Core, string resources for each targeted class or view we plan to localize, are stored inside resource files having a .resx extension.

    ASP.NET Core localized resource file organizing

    Alright, RESX files for resources. But how should I name them? And where do I place them? Don’t we need separate resource files for each language we plan to support?

    Let me clear these questions for you, one by one.

    Naming resource files

    First question, naming resources. Resources for ASP.NET Core are named following these simple rules:

    • If the namespace of the target class is equal to the current project’s assembly name:

    Resource file name = Fully qualified type name of target classAssembly name

    For example:

    Target class's fully qualified type name: ASPNETCoreL10n.HomeController
    Current project's assembly name:          ASPNETCoreL10n
    Resource file name:                       HomeController.resx
    • If the namespace of the target class is not equal to the current project’s assembly name:

    Resource file name = Fully qualified type name of target class

    For example:

    Target class's fully qualified type name: ASPNETCoreUtils.StringFormatter 
    Current project's assembly name:          ASPNETCoreL10n
    Resource file name:                       ASPNETCoreUtils.StringFormatter.resx

    Where to place the resources

    Second question, placing the resources. We can simply place our resource files right next to the target classes or views.

    Note: You can take a look at the resource file naming section in ASP.NET Core official documentation on localization for an alternative resource organizing method based on resource path.

    Resources for multiple locales

    For the third question, the answer is, yes, we need to place an isolated resource file for each language we plan to localize to.

    But there’s a catch! When naming these additional languages we have to strictly follow the undermentioned syntax when naming them.

    For neutral culture (only the language specified) resources:


    For example: HomeController.en.resx.

    For specific culture (language and region specified) resources:


    For example:

    According to the terms specified on ASP.NET Core official documentation on localization, the aforementioned syntax follow RFC 4646 format consisting of an ISO 639 language code and ISO 3166 two-letter uppercase subculture code.

    In other words, values valid for language and region when naming our resource files would have to take this form:

    <ISO 639 language code>


    <ISO 639 language code>-<ISO 3166 region code>


    With the resource naming and placing conventions cleared up, let us add several language resources to our ASPNETCoreL10n project.

    Let’s go ahead and create a HomeController.en-US.resx file inside the Controllers directory of our project, and fill it as follows:

    Name:  welcome
    Value: Welcome!

    Note: HomeController.en-US.resx will contain localization values for the English language in the US region.

    For our localization purposes, let’s add another file inside the Controllers directory of our ASPNETCoreL10n project:

    Name:  welcome
    Value: Bienvenue!

    Note: resource file will hold localization values for the French language in the France region.

    Time to touch ASP.NET Core localization

    Okay, we got our ASP.NET Core project set up with MVC, and fed multiple language resources to it. Hence, we are now ready to internationalize our ASP.NET Core project to support localization on multiple locales and cultures. Let’s see how!

    .NET ResourceManager for ASP.NET Core localization

    Let’s just say using ResourceManager is the oldest and the been-there-for-decades way for localization in the ASP.NET framework. Shall we find out how we can use the ResourceManager inside our ASP.NET Core project for localization purposes?

    Firstly, let’s head over to the ASPNETCoreL10n/Startup.cs file and add the following inside its ConfigureServices method:

    string baseName = "ASPNETCoreL10n.Controllers.HomeController";  //1
    services.AddSingleton(new ResourceManager(baseName, Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly()));  //2
    1. baseName string variable holds the root name ResourceManager should scan for resources in.
    2. A ResourceManager instance is created passing baseName created in step 1 and another argument holding a reference to the currently executing assembly. Then, this ResourceManager instance is passed over as an argument to ServiceCollectionServiceExtensions.AddSingleton method to add a ResourceManager singleton service to the DI container of our project.

    Secondly, let us visit the ASPNETCoreL10n/HomeController file and make these changes:

    public class HomeController : Controller
        private readonly ResourceManager _resourceManager;  //1
        public HomeController(ResourceManager resourceManager)  //2
            _resourceManager = resourceManager;
        public IActionResult Index()
            ViewData["greeting"] = _resourceManager.GetString("welcome");  //3
            return View();  //4
    1. Create a private read-only _resourceManager field to hold a ResourceManager instance.
    2. resourcemanager parameter added to the constructor to let ASP.NET Core framework dependency inject (DI) a ResourceManager service to it.
    3. _resourceManager service scans the baseName path we set in the previous section and retrieves a resource with a key “welcome”. The retrieved resource value is saved as a loosely typed ViewData with a key of “greeting”.
    4. Index action method asks a View on the default route to render a response View passing the ViewData along with it. Once the response View is received, the Index action method returns a ViewResult holding this rendered response View.

    Note: According to ASP.NET Core View Discovery that we also discussed a while ago, the default route for our Index method inside HomeController should either be Views/Home/Index.cshtml or Views/Shared/Index.cshtml. So, our ASPNETCoreL10n project’s Index.cshtml view we created inside Views/Home directory should aptly receive this call.

    Thirdly, let’s grab our “greeting” ViewData sent over by the relevant vew’s Index action. Let us go ahead and open the Views/Home/Index.cshtml view, and change its HTML body content as follows:


    Is that it?

    Alright, the MVC changes related to the ResourceManager localization are complete. So, if we run our project now, we’ll be able to notice a welcoming message appearing in our default en-US language:

    But there’s an issue! Even if we switch our browser language to fr-FR culture, we would still be shown the same en-US message in the same en-US language. Let’s see what’s happening here.

    Setting supported cultures

    ASP.NET Core gets the help of SupportedCultures and SupportedUICultures properties to hold culture-related localization specifications of the application.

    In particular, SupportedCultures property holds cultures our web app localizes to regarding culture-specific functions. These range from matters like date and time formatting to text sorting orders, likewise. On the other hand, SupportedUICultures simply keeps the cultures our ASP.NET Core application’s UI (Razor Views) localizes to.

    Hence, without setting these values within our ASPNETCoreL10n project, the ASP.NET framework wouldn’t know which languages the application localizes to.

    Get help of UseRequestLocalization

    Now we know the importance of placing the supported cultures in our ASPNETCoreL10n project. But, simply setting the cultures we support would not let the application know when to use each of those. To rephrase it, let’s say you’re reaching the ASPNETCoreL10n web app from a French locale; I’m reaching it from an English locale. And, thousands if not millions more are reaching our web app from various locales, at the same time. So, at the moment, can we expect our ASPNETCoreL10n application to serve a preferred language to each user? I believe not.

    Here comes the need for our project to get the assistance of UseRequestLocalization. This middleware makes sure to automatically change the application’s culture, per request.

    Let’s head over to the Startup.cs file within our ASPNETCoreL10n and add the following code inside the Configure() method:

    var supportedCultures = new[] {new CultureInfo("en-US"), new CultureInfo("fr-FR")};  //1
    var requestLocalizationOptions = new RequestLocalizationOptions  //2
        SupportedCultures = supportedCultures,
        SupportedUICultures = supportedCultures
    app.UseRequestLocalization(requestLocalizationOptions);  //3
    1. Create a supportedCultures variable holding a list of two CultureInfo objects indicating en-US and fr-FR as supported cultures.
    2. Make a RequestLocalizationOptions object mentioning both SupportedCultures and SupportedUICultures for our application. The supportedCultures variable we created in step 1 is passed as values for both SupportedCultures and SupportedUICultures.
    3. Add the UseRequestLocalization middleware to the ASPNETCoreL10n project’s request processing pipeline.

    Important Note: Make sure to place UseRequestLocalization middleware before all other middleware in the request processing pipeline. This is just to make sure any middleware that could require the request’s localized culture has it already set by the time the pipeline reaches it.

    Test it out

    Those are all the changes RequestManager localization asks for. Let’s run our ASPNETCoreL10n application and see how it works. Now, we’ll be able to notice the welcome message swiftly localizes between English and French languages as we expected:

    Using IStringLocalizer<T> interface

    ASP.NET Core introduced IStringLocalizer to make localization a little bit easier than with ResourceManager. Let’s take a look at how!

    Firstly, let us head over to the Startup.cs file within our ASPNETCoreL10n project. Now, let’s go ahead and add this line within its ConfigureServices method:


    This simple line brings all the services related to localization into our project, together with the IStringLocalizer service that we need.

    So secondly, let’s open the HomeController of our ASPNETCoreL10n project and add some lines to it as follows:

    public class HomeController : Controller
        private readonly IStringLocalizer _stringLocalizer;  //1
        public HomeController(..,
                              IStringLocalizer<HomeController> stringLocalizer)  /2
            _stringLocalizer = stringLocalizer;
        public IActionResult UsingIStringLocalizer()  //3
            ViewData["localized"] = _stringLocalizer["localizedUsingIStringLocalizer"].Value;  //4
            return View();
    1. Create a private read-only _stringLocalizer field to hold an IStringLocalizer instance. Notice that compared to ResourceManager, we didn’t have to hard-code the basenames and manually inject singletons to the HomeController.
    2. stringLocalizer parameter added to the constructor to let ASP.NET Core framework dependency inject (DI) an IStringLocalizer<HomeController> service to it. Passing HomeController type to IStringLocalizer informed IStringLocalizer to specifically browse resources for and provide strings for HomeController.
    3. Create a new action method UsingIStringLocalizer inside the HomeController.
    4. _stringLocalizer asked to retrieve the localized resource value holding a localizedUsingIStringLocalizer key. Afterward, the retrieved resource value is passed over to a ViewData with a localized key.

    Thirdly, let’s open up the HomeController.en-US.resx resource file inside the Controller folder and add a localizedUsingIStringLocalizer resource to it:

    Name:  localizedUsingIStringLocalizer
    Value: This sentence was localized using IStringLocalizer.

    Let’s not forget our French resource! So similarly, open up the file and put the following resource inside it:

    Name:  localizedUsingIStringLocalizer
    Value: Cette phrase a été localisée à l'aide d'IStringLocalizer.

    Finally, let’s create a view to respond to the template request from our UsingIStringLocalizer action. For this, I believe we should create a UsingIStringLocalizer.cshtml Razor View file inside our project’s Views/Home/ directory, and fill it like this:

    <html xmlns="">

    As mentioned on the highlighted line, our UsingIStringLocalizer.cshtml View will retrieve a ViewData key of localized and display it inside an <h1> header.

    Let’s see how it shows

    Time to run our ASPNETCoreL10n application and head over to the URL endpoint that matches with our UsingIStringLocalizer action:


    Note: Make sure to replace <port> with the port number your local webserver runs on.

    If all goes well the browser should show as follows for each browser locale:

    In en-US locale

    In fr-FR locale

    Using IHtmlLocalizer<T> interface

    Imagine for a second our ASPNETCoreL10n web application hosted HTML lessons for students. And we thought of internationalizing our web app to attract more students to our course. So, we got our ASPNETCoreL10n application localized to multiple locales using localized resource files (.resx) holding HTML lines and examples. Unsurprisingly loads of students from all over the world signed up for the class. But, on the very first day, pretty much all of them complained saying our ASPNETCoreL10n app’s content only showed a bunch of HTML tags. They couldn’t see what those tags actually did. What’s going on here?

    What’s happening?

    This scenario happens because IStringLocalizer isn’t HTML-aware. IStringLocalizer sees all resources it accesses–even HTML resources–as strings and hence, lets them get HTML encoded. So if the resource held HTML elements, they would not get processed.


    IHtmlLocalizer was introduced to overcome this. Let’s see how we can use it on our ASPNETCoreL10n project.

    Firstly, let us open the Startup.cs file within our ASPNETCoreL10n project. Here, let’s chain the AddViewLocalization service right with the previously set call to put the AddRazorPages service to the DI container:


    Note: AddViewLocalization view introduces MVC View localization-related services to the project including the IHtmlLocalizer service.

    Secondly, let’s open the ASPNETCoreL10n/HomeController file and add some code like this:

    public class HomeController : Controller
        private readonly IHtmlLocalizer _htmlLocalizer;  //1
        public HomeController(..,
                              IHtmlLocalizer<HomeController> htmlLocalizer)  //2
            _htmlLocalizer = htmlLocalizer;
        public IActionResult UsingIHtmlLocalizer()  //3
            ViewData["localizedPreservingHtml"] = _htmlLocalizer["notHtmlEncoded"];  //4
            return View();  //5
    1. Create a private read-only _htmlLocalizer field to hold an IHtmlLocalizer instance.
    2. htmlLocalizer parameter added to the constructor to let ASP.NET Core framework dependency inject (DI) an IHtmlLocalizer<HomeController> service to it.
    3. Create a new action method UsingIHtmlLocalizer inside HomeController.
    4. _htmlLocalizer asked to retrieve the HTML-aware localized resource value holding a “notHtmlEncoded” key as a non-encoded value. Afterward, the retrieved resource value is passed over to a ViewData with a “localizedPreservingHtml” key.
    5. UsingIHtmlLocalizer action method asks a View on the default route to render a response View passing the ViewData along with it. Note that this time, the resource value grabbed by the View would consist of its non-encoded HTML properties.

    Thirdly, let us add a record inside our resource files for the “notHtmlEncoded” key.

    Let’s open up the Controller/HomeController.en-US.resx resource file and add the following resource to it:

    Name:  notHtmlEncoded
    Value: <b>This resource value was not HTML encoded.</b>

    Same way, let’s add the localized value inside the file:

    Name:  notHtmlEncoded
    Value: <b>Cette valeur de ressource n'a pas été codée en HTML.</b>

    Fourthly and finally, let’s make a View to grab the template request from UsingIHtmlLocalizer action. Let’s create a UsingIHtmlLocalizer.cshtml Razor View file inside our project’s Views/Home/ directory, and fill it as follows:

    <html xmlns="">

    As we can see on the highlighted line, our UsingIHtmlLocalizer.cshtml View will retrieve a ViewData key of “localizedPreservingHtml” and place it inside an <p> tag.

    Let’s run it and see

    Let us run our ASPNETCoreL10n application and let the browser point to the URL endpoint that matches with our UsingIHtmlLocalizer action:


    Now, we should be able to observe the browser showing localized paragraph values properly bolded as we set in our “notHtmlEncoded” resource value:

    In en-US locale

    In fr-FR locale

    Localizing Views

    Alright, hence we know how to localize our ASP.NET Core MVC project passing localized resource values from the controller to the view. But, what if a somewhat stubborn view thought…

    I don’t want to rely on the Controller to send me the localized resources. I’ll fetch them myself!

    In fact, ASP.NET Core makes this possible making our localization jobs a little bit easier. So, let us find out how we can localize content inside an ASP.NET Core app’s MVC view itself.

    To begin with, we have already added the AddViewLocalization service to our ASPNETCoreL10n project in the previous section using IHtmlLocalizer. So, for this section, we’ll be using another service within AddViewLocalization, namely the IViewLocalizer service.

    First of all, let us add a simple `UsingIViewLocalizer` action method inside our ASPNETCoreL10n project’s HomeController:

    public IActionResult UsingIViewLocalizer()
        return View();

    Observe this time we had neither a dependency injection of a service to HomeController nor a data passing from HomeController over to the view.

    Secondly, let’s put a “localizedUsingIViewLocalizer” record inside our resource files for a View to receive it later on.

    Let’s navigate to our ASPNETCoreL10n project’s Views/Home directory. Let us create a UsingIViewLocalizer.en-US.resx resource file inside it and fill it with a resource having a key of “localizedUsingIViewLocalizer”:

    Name:  localizedUsingIViewLocalizer
    Value: This sentence was localized using IViewLocalizer.

    Similarly, let us add the “localizedUsingIViewLocalizer” key’s fr-FR localized value inside a new resource file:

    Name:  localizedUsingIViewLocalizer 
    Value: Cette phrase a été localisée à l'aide de IViewLocalizer.

    As the last step, it’s time to create a Razor view to do both localized resource retrieval and displaying them. Let’s create a UsingIViewLocalizer.cshtml Razor View file inside our project’s Views/Home/ directory, and fill it like this:

    @using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Localization  //1
    @inject IViewLocalizer ViewLocalizer  //2
    <html xmlns="">
            <h1>@ViewLocalizer["localizedUsingIViewLocalizer"]</h1>  //3
    1. @using Razor syntax used to import Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Localization namespace to UsingIViewLocalizer.cshtml Razor View.
    2. @inject Razor syntax used to inject IViewLocalizer service from DI service container into a ViewLocalizer variable in UsingIViewLocalizer.cshtml Razor View.
    3. IViewLocalizer service used to retrieve localized resource with a key “localizedUsingIViewLocalizer”. The retrieved value is set inside an H1 header tag.

    Time to run it

    Let’s run our ASPNETCoreL10n application and let the browser point to the URL endpoint that matches with our UsingIViewLocalizer action:


    If all went well, we would be able to see our browsers showing values localized plainly using Razor Views:

    In en-US locale

    In fr-FR locale

    ASP.NET Core localized resource sharing

    At times our ASP.NET Core web app might encounter repetitive resources that we still require to be displayed in a localized manner. Maybe it’s a welcome message displayed on each view? Or an “Ok” button label displayed on each and every view? Let us discover how we can manage such a situation in an ASP.NET Core web application.


    Firstly, we need a dummy class at the root of our application which would simply act as an anchor to associate our shared resources with.

    Let’s head on over to our ASPNETCoreL10n project and create an empty SharedResource class at the root of it.

    Since our SharedResource class is at the root of the project, it would be accessible by any controller or view within the project. Hence, we would be able to declare an IStringLocalizer<SharedResource> instance anywhere in the project and access its resources.

    Note: Make sure the namespace of SharedResource class is equal to the assembly name of the project, which is “ASPNETCoreL10n”.

    Secondly, let’s create a SharedResource.en-US.resx resource file in the root of our ASPNETCoreL10n project and feed it with a simple resource:

    Name:  localizedUsingSharedResources
    Value: This localization is shared across all Controllers and Views.

    In the same way, let’s add a in the project root and put the relevant fr-FR localization value inside it:

    Name:  localizedUsingSharedResources 
    Value: Cette localisation est partagée entre tous les Controllers et Views.

    Thirdly, let’s visit the HomeController in our ASPNETCoreL10n project and add some code as follows:

    public class HomeController : Controller
        private readonly IStringLocalizer _sharedStringLocalizer;  //1
        public HomeController(..,
                              IStringLocalizer<SharedResource> sharedStringLocalizer)  //2
            _sharedStringLocalizer = sharedStringLocalizer;
        public IActionResult UsingSharedResource()  //3
            ViewData["sharedResourceSentFromController"] = _sharedStringLocalizer["localizedUsingSharedResources"];  //4
            return View();  //5
    1. Create a private read-only _sharedStringLocalizer field to hold an IStringLocalizer instance.
    2. sharedStringLocalizer parameter added to the constructor to let ASP.NET Core framework dependency inject (DI) an IStringLocalizer<SharedResource> service to it.
    3. Create a new action method UsingSharedResource inside HomeController.
    4. _sharedStringLocalizer asked to retrieve shared resource key “localizedUsingSharedResources”. Afterward, the retrieved resource value is passed over to a ViewData with a “sharedResourceSentFromController” key.

    Fourthly, let’s create a UsingSharedResource.cshtml Razor View file inside our project’s Views/Home/ directory, and fill it accordingly:

    @using Microsoft.Extensions.Localization  //1
    @inject IStringLocalizer<ASPNETCoreL10n.SharedResource> SharedLocalizer  //2
    <html xmlns="">
        <p>Shared resource sent from Controller: @ViewData["sharedResourceSentFromController"]</p>  //3
        <p>Shared resource received by this View: @SharedLocalizer["localizedUsingSharedResources"]</p>  //4
    1. @using Razor syntax used to import Microsoft.Extensions.Localization namespace to UsingSharedResource.cshtml Razor View.
    2. @inject Razor syntax used to inject IStringLocalizer service from DI service container into a SharedLocalizer variable in UsingSharedResource.cshtml Razor View.
    3. HTML paragraph element containing “sharedResourceSentFromController” ViewData resource value retrieved from the Controller.
    4. HTML paragraph element containing “localizedUsingSharedResources” shared resource value directly retrieved by UsingSharedResource.cshtml Razor View.

    Let us run it

    Let’s run our ASPNETCoreL10n application and let the browser point to the URL endpoint that matches with our UsingSharedResource action:


    We should now be able to see the browser showing shared resources obtained from both HomeController and UsingSharedResource.cshtml:

    In en-US locale

    In fr-FR locale

    Identify the user’s culture

    Okay, we talked about ways to localize our ASP.NET Core web application to multiple cultures, We learned the HOW. But, in what manner would our app know which culture to localize to? So, time to learn how ASP.NET Core web apps decide their localization language, let’s learn the WHAT.

    Say hello to RequestLocalizationOptions

    Remember when we previously got assistance from UseRequestLocalization middleware to switch app localization per each request? This time, we’ll explore RequestLocalizationOptions which is initialized by UseRequestLocalization.

    RequestLocalizationOptions holds an IRequestCultureProvider list which provides UseRequestLocalization a list of options when discovering the locale. ASP.NET Core conveniently ships with the following implementations of IRequestCultureProvider to help us with our localization duties:

    Let’s have a look at how each of these works, shall we?

    Using QueryStringRequestCultureProvider

    As the name hints, QueryStringRequestCultureProvider helps the ASP.NET Core web app user specify the culture he or she needs through a “culture” query string. Let’s see how!

    First up, we need to put a UseRequestLocalization middleware to our ASPNETCoreL10n project, passing in a RequestLocalizationOptions parameter. We can safely skip this step because we already placed this middleware inside the Startup.cs file when we were setting up UseRequestLocalization middleware earlier.

    Then, let’s simply call our ASPNETCoreL10n project’s Index URL with a “culture” query string with a value of fr-FR:


    We should be able to see the page swiftly localized to fr-FR culture:

    Equally, providing an en-US value for the “culture” query string should show the page localized to en-US culture:

    Using AcceptLanguageHeaderRequestCultureProvider

    Another way we can make our ASP.NET Core web app perform localization to a certain culture is to provide an Accept-Language header.

    Let us open up our API client app and call our ASPNETCoreL10n project’s Index URL with an Accept-Language header holding a value of “fr-FR”:

    As we can see from the result, calling localhost–this time with no query strings added–has still given us a properly localized page.

    Similarly, calling Index URL with an Accept-Language value set to “en-US” should give us a page localized to the relevant culture:


    Using CookieRequestCultureProvider

    Both the RequestCultureProvider instances we talked about earlier rely on the user to provide the culture each time a request is made to the server. Hence, the lifetime of each localization is just for that particular request. Let’s see how to overcome this limitation with a good old cookie provided to the user!

    Let’s head over to the HomeController on our ASPNETCoreL10n project and add a new action to it as follows:

    [Route("Home/UsingCookieRequestCultureProvider/{culture}")]  //1
    public string UsingCookieRequestCultureProvider(string culture)  //2
        Response.Cookies.Append(  //3
            CookieRequestCultureProvider.DefaultCookieName,  //4
            CookieRequestCultureProvider.MakeCookieValue(new RequestCulture(culture)),  //5
            new CookieOptions { Expires = DateTimeOffset.UtcNow.AddYears(1) }  //6
        return "Cookie updated to this culture: " + culture;  //7
    1. Attribute routing that accepts a “culture” parameter.
    2. Create a new action method UsingCookieRequestCultureProvider with a string parameter “culture”. This parameter will hold the culture our app user prefers.
    3. Append a cookie to the HttpResponse.
    4. Default cookie name for culture “.AspNetCore.Culture” given as the cookie name.
    5. MakeCookieValue is used to create a cookie passing in a RequestCulture object. This RequestCulture holds the culture requested by the user.
    6. CookieOptions setting for the cookie to expire in one year.
    7. String value returned from the action noting its successful execution.

    Test it out

    That’s all! let’s see if it works.

    Before we start testing CookieRequestCultureProvider, let’s run our ASPNETCoreL10n project and open its Index URL in our ASPNETCoreL10n project with no query strings or headers added. This should give us a simple welcome message in en-US culture:

    Now, let us open up our API client app and call our CookieRequestCultureProvider URL passing in an fr-FR culture as its parameter:


    As we can see, it gives us a 200 OK response informing us the cookie was updated to fr-FR culture:

    Additionally, we can check cookies on our API client to see that the cookie has been added:

    But, let’s not take the word of that HTTP response! Let us verify if the culture actually has been updated.

    Simply head over back to the Index URL in our ASPNETCoreL10n project:

    We’ll be able to notice the welcome message is now shown on an fr-FR culture. Even if we restart our API client the result would be the same, until the cookie is expired or manually deleted!

    Little note on RequestCultureProvider enumeration

    Once the RequestCultureProvider middleware retrieves the RequestCultureProvider list from RequestLocalizationOptions, RequestCultureProvider sequentially enumerates the list until one provider successfully determines the request culture. If none of them could determine the culture, the default culture will be used.

    Using CustomRequestCultureProvider

    We talked about the default methods provided by ASP.NET Core as implementations of IRequestCultureProvider. Instead, ASP.NET Core also allows us to use a CustomRequestCultureProvider where we can code our own logic to determine the culture of our application. Let’s make a sample custom implementation taking use of CustomRequestCultureProvider:

    Let’s open up the Startup.cs file in our ASPNETCoreL10n project, and add the following snippet inside the Configure method:

    requestLocalizationOptions.AddInitialRequestCultureProvider(new CustomRequestCultureProvider(async context =>  //1
        var currentCulture = "en-US";  //2
        var segments = context.Request.Path.Value.Split(new char[] { '/' },
        if (segments.Length > 0)
            var lastElement = segments[segments.Length - 1];
            if (lastElement.Length == 2 || lastElement.Length == 5)
                currentCulture = lastElement;
        return new ProviderCultureResult(currentCulture);  //3
    1. Use AddInitialRequestCultureProvider method to add our custom IRequestCultureProvider implementation as the first option on the RequestCultureProvider list passed over by the RequestLocalizationOptions. Hence, our custom request culture provider will be the first one used by UseRequestLocalization middleware in its RequestCultureProvider enumeration.
    2. Simple custom logic to decide the request culture based on the last element on the request URL.
    3. Return ProviderCultureResult containing the culture determined by our custom request culture provider.

    Important Note: make sure to place this requestLocalizationOptions.AddInitialRequestCultureProvider call before you call app.UseRequestLocalization.

    Let us test it out by calling one of our ASPNETCoreL10n project’s URLs postfixed with a culture:

    Setting defaults

    Imagine for a moment our ASPNETCoreL10n web application was a music streaming service. It planned to reach all across the world but only users from en-US locale seemed to be able to sign up for the service. Neither Gimhani from Sri Lanka nor Min-ho from South Korea could register for our service–while both of them being well capable of understanding the English language in the en-US locale. What’s going on?

    This happened because our app was localized solely to the en-US culture. Localization is all fun and games until our user sees a 404 - Page not found page simply because he or she’s from a locale our app isn’t currently localized to. This is why we should always set default languages and resource values for our ASP.NET Core web application when implementing localization. This way our app will always have a culture to fall back to. Let’s find out how we can do this!

    StringLocalizer behavior for missing resources

    StringLocalizer brings a useful solution for dealing with missing resources. If StringLocalizer couldn’t find a resource value to a key we provided, it would simply return the resource key we provided as its result. Let’s see how this works, shall we?

    Let’s head back over to the UsingIStringLocalizer action we created in the HomeController of our ASPNETCoreL10n project. This time, let us change the action to ask the StringLocalizer to retrieve a key that does not exist on the project resources:

    public IActionResult UsingIStringLocalizer()
        ViewData["localized"] = _stringLocalizer["nonexistingkey"].Value;
        return View();

    Running our ASPNETCoreL10n application and calling UsingIStringLocalizer action on https://localhost:<port>/home/UsingIStringLocalizer should provide us back the key we provided:

    Set default culture for smoother ASP.NET Core localization

    When setting the RequestLocalizationOptions passed over to the UseRequestLocalization middleware, RequestLocalizationOptions allows you to pass a DefaultRequestCulture property.

    Let’s head over to our ASPNETCoreL10n project’s Startup.cs file and place this line inside its Configure method:

    requestLocalizationOptions.DefaultRequestCulture = new RequestCulture("en-US");

    Now, if our ASP.NET Core web app user doesn’t specify a culture he/she prefers, en-US will be used. Equally, if another person from a culture our web app currently doesn’t support happens to access our web application, he or she will be offered our app in en-US culture.

    Congratulations! we completed learning the essentials on ASP.NET Core localization. Henceforward you’d know how to localize an ASP.NET Core application to any and all the languages you fancy.

    Some ASP.NET Core localization extras

    Let’s take a look at a few more extra features you’re pretty sure to stumble upon on your ASP.NET Core localization journey.

    ASP.NET Core date and time format localization

    Setting SupportedCultures inside your project makes our project automatically display its dates and times formatted for the current localization.

    Firstly, let us head over to our ASPNETCoreL10n project’s Startup.cs file and make sure SupportedCultures have already been added to RequestLocalizationOptions:

    var supportedCultures = new[] {new CultureInfo("en-US"), new CultureInfo("fr-FR")};  //1
    var requestLocalizationOptions = new RequestLocalizationOptions
        SupportedCultures = supportedCultures,  //2

    Note: If you followed through the ResourceManager-related l10n section in this tutorial, you must already have this set up in your application.

    1. A list containing en-US, fr-FR cultures added to supportedCultures variable.
    2. supportedCultures passed over to RequestLocalizationOptions.

    Secondly, open the project’s HomeController and add a new action as follows:

    public string CurrentDateTimeL10n()  //1
        return DateTime.Now.ToLongDateString();  //2
    1. Create new CurrentDateTimeL10n action method.
    2. Return current date and time.

    Running our app for each localization should show the appropriate date and time value localized to the current culture:

    In en-US locale

    In fr-FR locale

    Placeholder usage in ASP.NET Core localization

    There can be times our ASP.NET Core application needs to receive a parameter from the user and display it inside of a localized message. Let’s see how we can do this using IStringLocalizer.

    Firstly, let us add a new resource inside our Controllers/HomeController.en-US.resx file:

    Name:  welcomeWithName
    Value: Welcome {0}!

    Add the fr-FR inside file as well:

    Name:  welcomeWithName
    Value: Bienvenue {0}!

    As you can see, we added a welcomeWithName resource which has a placeholder within its value.

    Secondly, let us open the HomeController file inside ourASPNETCoreL10n project and add a new action method as follows:

    [Route("Home/Welcome/{name}")]  //1
    public string Welcome(string name)  //2
        return _stringLocalizer["welcomeWithName", name];  //3
    1. Attribute routing that accepts a “home” parameter.
    2. Create a new action method UsingCookieRequestCultureProvider with a string parameter “name”. This parameter will hold the name our app user provides as a parameter.
    3. Ask _stringLocalizer to find a resource with a key “welcomeWithName”. The name parameter acquired from the request is passed over as the 2nd index.

    Let’s  run it and see if the placeholders have been correctly set on the localized welcome messages:

    In en-US locale

    In fr-FR locale

    Let Lokalise do the localizing

    Wonder if you read my article from its start to the finish. If you’re working from home, you might have missed out on loads of chores. If you’re at your office, you could have postponed a good deal of tasks squeezing in time allocations to internationalize your ASP.NET application.

    What if I told you there’s a much clearer, 1000x faster, and a million times favorable way to handle all the ins and outs of your ASP.NET project’s localization and internationalization?

    Meet Lokalise, the translation management system that takes care of all your ASP.NET application internationalization needs. With features like:

    • Easy integration with various other services
    • Collaborative translations
    • Quality assurance tools for translations
    • Easy management of your translations through a central dashboard
    • Plus, loads of others

    Lokalise will make your life a whole lot easier by letting you expand your ASP.NET Core app to all the locales you’ll ever plan to reach.

    Start with Lokalise in just a few steps:

    • Sign up for a free trial (no credit card information required).
    • Log in to your account.
    • Create a new project under any name you like.
    • Upload your translation files and edit them as required.

    That’s all it takes! You have already completed the baby steps toward Lokalise-ing your ASP.NET Core application. See the Getting Started section for a collection of articles that will provide all the help you’ll need to kick-start the Lokalise journey. Also, refer to Lokalise API Documentation for a complete list of REST commands you can call on your Lokalise translation project.


    In this tutorial, we explored how we can localize an ASP.NET Core application to multiple locales. We examined how to add language resources to our app and organize them. Further, we looked at localizing with the help of .NET ResourceManager, through various other ASP.NET Core localization-related classes like IStringLocalizer, IHtmlLocalizer, and IViewLocalizer. We also checked out on setting up UseRequestLocalization middleware. We found out how we could place repetitive resources in a common resource file and reviewed ways to Identify the user’s culture using various implementations of IRequestCultureProvider. Finally, we wrapped the main section of our article inspecting how we can set default values in the project.

    Additionally, we looked at how date and time format localization takes place in an ASP.NET Core application and addressed placeholder usage.

    So, with that, it’s time for me to wrap up. Till we meet again, have a great day with lesser bugs and even lesser viruses, in your workstations and your real lives!

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