Sometimes even the smallest changes can make a big difference. They serve as a reminder that breaking down barriers and building efficiencies don’t always require big transformations. So, without further ado, let’s dive into this month’s updates and learn how you can use these new tools and tricks to change your localization process in a big way.
Product updates
Translate 4x more content with AI

Ever wished you could translate longer texts in one go? Well, buckle up, because Lokalise AI just became your superhero. Now, you can effortlessly translate segments that are up to 4 times longer — that’s 12,000 words in a single shot! Ready to level up?
New language support for AI

Now you can get human-like translations for Thai, Norwegian, Greek, and many other languages. This brings the number of languages Lokalise AI supports to over 20. Need beta access for a new language? Get in touch and we’ll add it to your account.
December 5th, 9am EDT | 3pm CEST : Lokalise for Designers

Calling all designers and localization enthusiasts! Join us for this webinar, where you’ll learn how to set up Figma in your localization workflow. You’ll also hear from one of our customers, who will share his learnings and unravel the intricacies of localization in design. It’s a convergence of creativity and efficiency that you won’t want to miss.
Save your seat
December 12th, 9am EDT | 3pm CEST: Redefining Lokalization Industry with Lokalise

Get ready for a deep dive into the evolution of translation! We will share all the localization features that help drive efficient translations, be they performed by humans or AI, and tips for preventing common errors.
Tips and tricks
Pro tip for effortless HTML translation

Did you know you can easily import your HTML files and translate them in Lokalise? With our improved Document Type projects, you can import your HTML files and breeze through the translation process. Curious to find out how? Take a tour
Hope you enjoyed this month’s updates. Let us know what other news you’d like to hear about.